Software Development and Integrated Systems

At EIS’s Software Development Division, we provide your business with the ideal mix of technology solutions to meet your unique requirements of operating your business. We’ve proudly worked with a vast base of clientele in Egypt and provide them with a broad spectrum of world-class technology products, in addition to offering numerous valued added services. Moreover, we aim to satisfy the markets’ needs which are predominantly project-based, addressing both private and public sectors.
Our software solutions and services automate your core business processes to boost the efficiency and control of your organization, and sharpen its competitive edge. Delivered in partnership with global technology providers, such as Oracle and Microsoft, our solutions unleash your organization’s full potential by maximizing the use and management of valuable organization resources, lowering administrative costs, and transforming the way your decision makers access and utilize business critical data.

Automation & Workflow Solutions

Content Management Solutions

Custom Developed Solutions

Financial Solutions


Automation & Workflow Solutions

Automation & Workflow Solutions can streamline your organization daily transactions by defining and running some processes and workflows that drive the organization's businesses. Automated processes enable your organization to stop relying on the paper based transactions and use the fastest way to complete the required job using simple electronic forms. Moreover, it provides a simple, fast and accurate methodology for tracking the performed transactions. So, using such automation enables the employee to focus on their work and enables managers to track business progress through a simple and customizable set of reports.
EIS pay a lot of attention to workflow solutions and we are very prude by our workflow solution "Bee-Master" that provides a wide variety of services and designing patterns which is not allowed in the most of commercial workflow solutions
For more details click here Bee-Master

Content Management Solutions

Every daily work in any organization produces and manipulates with a huge number of papers and digital documents such as memos, announcements, letters, reports, images, scanned documents, proposals, theses, contracts, legal documents, human resources related documents. Studies show that in most corporate environments, employees spend up to 40% of their time trying to find information they need in their daily routines. Time spent searching for documents, re-creating documents that already exist and shuffling through unstructured information account for billions of dollars in the US alone. In fact, most organizations do not effectively track their corporate documents or realize the vast number of documents they create in their businesses.
The ability to manage this huge number of documents leads without doubt to simplify business processes and increase organization’s efficiency. EIS’s Content Management Solutions are based on the DocStore platform providing a unified environment for capturing, storing, organizing, retrieving, controlling, versioning, auto-routing documents for reviewing and approval (workflow), and dependable protection tool to protect documents from unauthorized access and archiving any type of unstructured information regardless of the number, size, and kind of this information. Moreover, DocStore supports documents to be centralized or distributed.
DocStore System


Custom Developed Solutions

Our specialized and experienced team of system analysts, designers, developers and testers are cooperating to make a large number of customized solutions depending on our customer's requirements. EIS reduced the operational cost for our customers by providing a comprehensive and detailed analysis of their business needs and managing the project's engagement to assure the matching of the delivered project and the customers changing needs. To be "The most trusted provider of information technology solutions" is not easy task. So, EIS provides an ongoing development, support and maintenance to insure you’re your organization's employees can provincially use our developed system. 
EIS Customers


Financial Solutions

Under Construction


